Friday, July 26, 2013

How to Get Rid of Fat

Losing weight can be a minefield. Here are our top tips to get you burning of fat, fast

Do you want to burn fat and keep the weight off for good? MORI survey found that the average British woman will spend 31 years of his life on a diet - sad, eh? It's time to ditch the diet as we reveal our super-simple tips and tricks to help you achieve your ideal weight and stay there for life!
UNITY danger

The more you exercise, the hungrier you get, and so you can eat more, or do you think you deserve "to eat more after a good workout. Sometimes you may just want to eat more as a reward for having survived the session . This is important to eat in accordance with the level of our whole day, not just by how hard you've done in the gym, especially if you have a sedentary job.
Get rid of the other

Do not worry - it's only for training. Men generally burn more calories than women in the same workout because the heavier, in addition to which the nature of the acts in defense of women's role as child bearer, which means that we have to maintain an adequate supply of healthy fat for children. Makes your workout partner, you could end up with him to shed pounds, but you only shedding tears. Go solo, girl!

Turn on the afterburners

Excess oxygen consumption after exercise (EPOC) is the term given body's attempts to recharge and restore itself after training process, which leads to further burn calories. Studies have shown that high intensity interval training leads to more than EPOC steady cardio workouts, so pick an alternate dial attacks maximum effort and rest for serious results. Try Tabata format - eight periods of 20 seconds of complete rejection of work followed by 10 seconds of recovery.

Muscles to lose weight

Lifting heavy weights for fewer reps will promote muscle growth, but do not worry, you will not end up looking like a novelty act of the circus, because women do not have the necessary testosterone to get bulky. It is important to know here is that extra pound of muscle tissue will burn an extra 100 calories in 24 hours. If you think that a program of strength training can reasonably be expected to add 3 pounds of muscle to your body, it is equivalent to the use of up to 300 extra calories a day just to do your daily activities. This adds up to a whopping 14 pounds of fat per year!

Running on Empty

Exercising in the morning, on an empty stomach is a great way to get rid of fat. Studies show that post (which is essentially what happens overnight, as we sleep) leads to an increase in adrenaline and reduced insulin levels, creating an environment that is more conducive to the breakdown of fat for energy.

Team tactics

Working out at the gym can sometimes be a lonely experience, and it is possible to enter into a rut when you visit the same studio classes each week, so give your fat loss hopes sports odds, joining netball, hockey or tennis club, or try football or rugby, both of which sport more popular among women. Not only is the change to keep you motivated, these activities include the need for repeated bursts of speed (interval training) that we know burns fat.

Heart attack

Alternating exercises between the upper and lower body results in an additional burn calories because your cardiovascular system has to work. Peripheral training the heart, and this, as we know, heart problems continue to push the blood from one extreme to the other, in order to deliver oxygen to fuel the muscles. Routine, as it also allows you to go directly from one exercise to the next, as the muscle groups get a chance to rest, so you can get your workout done faster.

Do not become isolated

Compounds exercise several muscle groups require to work together in harmony, unlike movements that specifically target one muscle. The beauty of these exercises is that they are more demanding and it will tone your muscles, but at the same time to burn more calories. Try 15 reps of each of the following: squat, Chest Press, deadlifts and side push-ups. Rest for 2-3 minutes, and repeated once or twice.

Blow up the fat

Also known as jump training, plyometric exercises, which are designed in Eastern Europe athletic training in early 1970, include stretching the muscles before the explosion of contracting them. This type of training simulates the movement used in sports such as skiing, tennis and volleyball, so if you like dodging moguls, chasing ground stroke or charging the net, you'll love these. The good news - because this type of training is so intense, it leads to high costs calories as a valuable weapon in the armory of fat loss.

Think big

Forget the arm exercises - in fact, there is no need to even worry about them! Press up on the barbell bench press and incline dumbbell chest press chest all the exercises that challenge and therefore also tone your triceps. Similarly, bent over barbell rows and lateral pull-down are intended to target the back, but also your tax biceps. Focus on the big muscles and the children will take care of itself.

To carry the load

Load-bearing activities such as walking and running, consume more calories than those in which your weight is supported as swimming and cycling, because you have to maintain your own body weight. To optimize burning calories in the gym, to change the cycle and rower on a treadmill or stepper.

Forget the gym

Believe it or not, your 30-60 minute session in the gym may not be the most important component in your fat burning efforts. Recent studies have introduced the term non-exercise activity thermogenesis (clean) with reference to standing, moving, and even fidgeting during everyday tasks. Scientists have found that this can add up to as much as 350 calories a day, which is equivalent to the class of moderate-intensity studio 60 minutes. So resist the telephone and e-mail at work, talk to people face to face. Enjoy standing in lines and even on TV the night regularly get off the couch and move around a bit. As one of claims giant supermarkets, each of thread!


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