Friday, July 26, 2013

Lose weight fast with these top fat loss tips

Lose weight fast with these top fat loss tips from H & F Magazine

If you want a flat stomach and lower the firm, or you need to lose a few pounds to fit into your favorite dress of the summer, the key to weight loss success is to combine exercise with a healthy diet. There's no point slogging away in the gym, then to ruin your efforts with all the wrong foods. Those washboard ABS will be hidden under a layer of calories induced flab!

Follow our diet tips for fast weight loss:

1. Have the right to FUEL
When you exercise and to lose weight, it's important to eat often, constantly feed your metabolic fire. But you need to add the right fuel! By feeding your body with a good balance of lean protein (which you should eat at every meal, including snacks), good fats and carbohydrates - mainly of fruits, vegetables and legumes - you'll find cravings for sugar and calorie-laden carbohydrates decrease along with your waist. And, as the protein takes longer for the body to break down and requires more energy to do it, you will stay feeling fuller longer.

Do yourself a double benefit by switching to water instead of other beverages, where applicable. Not only will you reduce your calorie intake to 500 calories a day, you will also increase the level of hydration, too. This, in turn, can reduce the amount you eat. Studies show that even mild levels of dehydration can cause your brain to confuse thirst with hunger. Latte (300 calories), soft drinks (150 calories) and fruit juice (120 calories) will soon go up without you even noticing.

3. Fool ourselves SLIM
As with any new habit, sticking to a diet can be tough. In my fitness club Phoenix Pro Fitness, we recommend a diet of 80-90 percent of the time. This means that each of our members may be at least one cheat meal a week, where they can be anything you want, and it means that they are more likely to stick to healthy eating plan. Eat more calories than your daily rate also stimulates metabolism and increases the rate of fat burning. Studies show that excess calories cheat meal can raise your BMR by nine percent. Being in a calorie deficit reduces appetite regulating hormone leptin, but the cheat meal increases the production of leptin to help defeat hunger cravings.

4. Time your carbs
Save starchy carbohydrates (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice) for after the workout, during the two-hour window. This serves two purposes: first, it means that you are taking in starches, when your body does not have enough glycogen stores so that they will be used to replenish your glycogen stores in the muscles and not squirrelled away as fat. Second, it means that you will regulate the consumption of starchy carbs without counting calories or points. In my experience, few people get fat by eating too much protein or too many vegetables.

5. Juggle FOOD
Juggling the ingredients of your favorite foods by reducing the carbohydrate content and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables can reduce the number of calories consumed while doubling the intake of nutrients. For example, spaghetti bolognese contains about 600 calories. But if you use 50 percent less meat and spaghetti, and add more vegetables such as peas, corn, tomatoes, mushrooms and grated carrots (which dissolve during cooking to give a fabulously rich and velvety texture), not only will you create delicious , more filling, vitamins and minerals-packaged foods, you'll be doubled to about 300 calories per serving. Apply this process to other meals and watch the pounds disappear without feeling hungry!

Salad vegetables are at their best this time of year, so most of seasonal produce and eat a small bowl of salad before the main meal. It's not only a great way to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, but, according to a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, it also means that you will have up to 12 percent fewer calories. Just remember to go easy on the salad, though!

7. GET 4:01
We know that we should eat our five a day. But five pieces of fruit sugar-packed fruit will send your insulin level increases and your sweet tooth into overdrive, which can make your stay even-keel complex. It is difficult to fight calls of chemical reactions in the brain, such as the release of serotonin soothing after eating carbohydrates. I recommend you stick with a 4:1 fruit vegetables. Also, to get all the daily nutrients, fiber and food you need, you should be shooting for 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, instead of five. So heap 'Em Up!


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